"Bound by Law?": A Comic of Tales from the Public Domain

Why do we have copyrights? What’s “fair use”? Bound By Law, explores some of the pressing issues facing law, art, property and an increasingly digital world of remixed culture. Presented in the form of a comic, its heroine is Akiko, a young and tough documentary filmmaker. During the day, she films her documentary and navigates the twists and turns of intellectual property. At night she brandishes laser guns to fend off the cyclopean 'Rights Monster'. Thats what I would call 'protecting one's interest'......Smart!

Remember how “Eyes on the Prize,” the great civil rights documentary, was pulled out from circulation because the filmmakers’ rights to music and footage had expired? Did'nt that make you wonder on What’s going on?

If you are looking for some answers to arm yourself with....the comic would be a good place to start. The free digital version can be downloaded from [Center for the Study of the Public Domain]


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