Change This?

Today on my net prowl, I stumbled upon `Change Thisยด. A slightly different approach from other media sites. It has an objective - challenge our ideas and current state of things. And it has a tool - manifestos on viewpoints developed by us, the people. From culture, business, current affairs to technology, there is a manifesto. Now if that is'nt constructive debate....then what is?
The first manifestos that I clicked on was 'Changing the Rules: Lessons from a Starfish World'. Guess the rebel in me can never resist a jab at existing rules!!
The manifesto compiles Ori Brafman and Rod Beckstrom belief that the conventional 'spider' like organization and approaches will never be able to control or completely eliminate a 'starfish' like group. According to them that is why a starfish outfit like Al Qaeda will survive the most powerful onslaught. And one marked characteristic (and a reason for sucess) of these resilient starfish groups like Apache Indians, music swapping programs, Wikipedia, Alcoholics Anonymous and Al Queda succeeds is - absence of hierarchy (head). So conventional organizations (spiders) best watch their backs. Begin by reading Changing the Rules: Lessons from a Starfish World
And ofcourse there is the 'Slow Leadership: Creating Civilized Organizations' manifesto which I would definitely want my perpetually 'work stuck' husband to read. And his boss! Plus all those managers and leaders who are always in a rush to do more and more.....So darling are you ready to proceed to Slow Leadership: Creating Civilized Organizations?
On a lighter and definitely more fun note is the Adbusters animation for the Slow Down Week that whizzed past in early the rest of the year!! It does hit the nail on the head...[Watch the Slow Down in Animation] Aaah, how can I not mention is by the International Institute of Not Doing Much.


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