Make Roads Safe

Having spent a lot of time on the roads recently, I have a revived taste for the road safety slogans. Some of them are really good: 'Take your time. Not your Life'
'Don't become another mark on our roads'
'Stop accidents before they stop you.'
'Normal speed meets every need.'
'Better to arrive late than never.'
'Speed thrills kills'
'Please be Gentle on my curves'
'It is better to be 15 minutes late in this world than 15 minutes early in the next...'
At the inquest into the world’s first road traffic death in 1896, the coroner was reported to have said “this must never happen again”. More than a century later, 1.2 million people are killed on roads every year and up to 50 million more are injured. Road traffic injuries are expected to become the third leading cause of death and disability worldwide by 2020. Signs of a global epidemic?[Road safety: a public health issue]
According to the Make Roads Safe Report, 3000 people and 500 children are killed every day on the world’s roads. 85% of them die in developing countries. 44% of all road traffic deaths occur in the Asia/Pacific area, which only has 16 % of the total number of motor vehicles. No wonder, 23 - 27th April 2007 has been designated as the first UN Global Road Safety Week. [The coming plague of Road Traffic Injuries: A preventable burden for rich and poor countries]
If you have time, try out your skill at the online Roadie Runner game and please 'Don't Learn Safety by Accident'!
So drive carefuly, donot add on to the statistics.....[Join Make Roads Safe Campaign]


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