TED Talks - Not just any talk

Treasure is often found by accident. I discovered 'TED Talks' through a treasured friend. Thanks Douglas!
TED - Technology, Entertainment and Design Conference brings people of action from different fields to talk their passion. The list of speakers is a virtual 'who's who' from worlds of science, technology, economics, business, development, entertainment, arts..... and the TED Talks page provides online access to the videos and audios of their talks. As live participation in the conference is by invitation and a registration fee of slightly over $4000, TED Talks has become a highly valuable link for me.
Some of the talks are pure gold. Innovative content and absorbing delivery, some even serious-ly funny. So into the organizer a short entry has made an appearance - my daily talk a day. And the distinct emphasis on 'wishes' in this year's New Year greeting had strains of Malcolm Gladwell's emphasis on 'pepsis and not pepsi'. As they say you think some and steal some....ideas!!! Though this form of creativity is definitely not the kind that Sir Ken Robinson refers to in his (witty) talk on the significant success of our current system in 'educating us' out of creativity. [Lets go to Talk]
To give you a quick taste of the action, here are some snippets from the 2006 TED conference.


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